Can You Make Money Off Online Poker

Posted : admin On 7/26/2022

With that said, if you have to ask if you can make money playing online poker, then the answer is no. The rakeback is not an trusted income source. Sure you may get a little% back to help with the sting of losing if you do. Playing online you should NEVER count on the bonus or rakeback. For these reasons, rake alone can be a great income generator for online poker rooms and casinos. Even without players wondering off to blackjack and roulette tables, they can earn more than enough.

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One of the most common questions we receive, is “how can I make money from online poker”, and while there is certainly no one size fits all answer to this question, in the following post we are going to take a look at some of the myths and fantasies surrounding profitable poker play, alongside looking […]

One of the most common questions we receive, is “how can I make money from online poker”, and while there is certainly no one size fits all answer to this question, in the following post we are going to take a look at some of the myths and fantasies surrounding profitable poker play, alongside looking at ways at which you can improve your chances of winning and ensuring a profit over the long run.

We’re going to begin by taking a look at those who do indeed play poker full-time for a living, and will delve deep into their financial situation so that you have a solid idea of how much professionals and grinders really make.

Playing Poker Full-Time: The Reality

Poker tournaments have – within the last few years – become vastly more popular, and thanks to increased television coverage and prominent use of social media channels like YouTube and Twitter, many players are now able to watch and interact with professional poker players in ways that they never would have been able to before.

Of course, this has been great for the game as it is allowed more players than ever before to enter the playing field – and it has also allowed thousands of people around the world to begin playing poker full-time for a living – so just how much do these professionals make exactly, and what does their day-to-day life look like?

Well, the first thing to note when it comes to looking at how much these professionals actually earn, is the type of games that they play. For example, while you may think that the big tournament winners are the ones raking in all the cash, it’s actually the cash game players – players who are prepared to sit at tables for hours on end – who are the ones making money.

The reason behind this is relatively clear, and it all comes down to the way the game is structured. Tournaments are fast paced, and in almost all situations, players who win a poker tournament enjoy tremendous amounts of luck.

The increasing blind structure means that play gets continually more aggressive as the tournament goes on, and this means that poker skill becomes less important as the tournament draws on, with luck and good timing becoming the two main factors for winning.

Cash games on the other hand allow players to sit there indefinitely, and this means that they can choose their plays wisely – there is no pressure to make plays, and the blind levels do not increase regularly, meaning that it’s quite feasible to fold a few weak hands every now and then, only losing out on the occasional small and big blinds.

The actual amount a player earns also depends on how regularly they play, and how many games they play at once. For example, a professional who played only in Vegas – in a land-based casino – would typically earn a lot less than an Internet poker player, who may play upwards of eight tables and games at any one time.

Of course, if you want to earn money playing poker online, it’s important that you manage to find the type of game that works for you, along with the frequency at which you play.

There’s no point playing for 15 hours a day if it means that you neglect your health and social life – and if you’re not winning, it’s all in vain. So, for this reason, it is vital that you break into the poker world slowly, and find your footing before getting too heavily involved.

How Much Do Professionals Make?

The exact amount that professional poker players earn is often subject to scrutiny, and it should be said that no specific figures exist on exactly how much pros do actually make, largely down to the fact that the information simply isn’t publicly available. For example, in almost all cases when you look at how much players have earnt, you’ll see that charts and graphs show only the players’ earnings from tournaments.

Can You Make Money Off Online PokerCan You Make Money Off Online Poker

Still, having said that, below, we’ll look at four of the biggest players in the world, and study how much they’ve made from tournament poker play.

Daniel Negreanu

Known as “Kid Poker”, Daniel Negreanu is possibly the best-known poker player on the planet, known for his impeccable reading abilities at the table, and his fun, friendly vibe while playing. He’s also the world’s top tournament player in history, with his earnings from tournament play alone standing at a whopping $32,887,949. Of course, that doesn’t take into account his cash game winnings, which are likely to be equally as high.

Phil Ivey

Can You Make Money Off Online Poker

Known by many as THE greatest poker player on the planet, Phil Ivey is a beast at the table, known for his intimidating stare down, and the way in which he effortlessly bluffs other players out of hands. His tournament earnings stand at $23,856,035 – the fifth best on the planet – but his real forte is at the cash tables, where he frequents the big games in Macau and other Asian countries, often playing for as much as $3 million a hand.

Antonio Esfandiari

Antonio is a player that most of us either love, or hate. His chilled out, laid-back approach to poker has seen him become a popular figurehead in the poker community, and his big claim to fame came when he won the One Drop tournament. His total poker earnings to date stand at around $27,000,000, although it’s hard to know how much of that he actually gets to keep, as rumours state that he had many backers for the One Drop tournament, who all wanted a percentage of his winnings.

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Phil Hellmuth

Phil Hellmuth is one of the most recognizable poker players of all time, known for his outlandish outbursts at the table, and his attitude which has seen him get himself into trouble on more than once occasion. While TV shows like High Stakes Poker may portray him as a massively losing player, Phil Hellmuth has an impeccable tournament career, and his earnings are the 7th highest on the planet, with just over $21 million won to date from his poker career.

Tips to Earn Money Playing Poker

If you dream of becoming a full-time player, and want your own professional poker player salary, there are a few things you can do to maximize the amount you win, and we’ll look at these below.

  • Choose the Right Games: There’s no shame in admitting that you’re better at a certain game than another. For example, if you know that you’re a solid cash game player – but find it hard to do well in tournaments – then you should absolutely hone in on your abilities at the cash tables, and consider staying away from the tournaments.Of course, that’s not advice that everyone will adhere too – but it’s honestly one of the best pieces of guidance we can share, as – after all – you’re here to make money, so it makes sense that you’d only focus on the type of game you’re best at, right?
  • Practice Makes Perfect: It sounds cliché, but there really is no better way to become a professional poker player than actually playing regularly, and getting a sense of how it all works. While no one is saying that you need to spend hours playing every day, it will massively help your game if you’re able to play regularly, and one of the best things about poker today, is that you can play online, meaning you don’t have to make long trips to land-based-casinos.
  • Play Against Players You Can Beat: One of the biggest mistakes players make when learning to play poker, is that they try to play in games outside of their comfort zone. For example, many players risk far too much of their bankroll to enter big tournaments – and while the win-potential can appear tempting at first, it’s worth pointing out that there’s no room for pride in poker, if you want to be a successful, winning player.Try to find games where you’re playing against opponents who are worse players than you. Sure, the game’s themselves may be less lucrative, and there might be less money on the table, but by doing so, you’ll stand a much better chance of winning in the long run, and turning a profit.

How to Improve Your Earnings

Now that we’ve had a look at some generic tips to help you earn money as a poker player, we can take a closer look at how to improve, and increase your earnings, once you are managing to turn a profit.

(Of course, if you want to earn money playing poker online, you’d do well to use the following tips in your games.)

One of the biggest and most effective ways in which you can improve your earnings, is to refine your game and iron-out any flaws you regularly make. For example, many players find that they can’t fold sets. This makes sense, as a 3-of-a-kind hand is so often a winning one, that it can be hard to throw it away – even on a four-flush board – but if you want to stand a chance at really making a good living playing poker, it’s important to work out where you’re losing money, and put a plug in those mistakes as early as possible.

Another thing you should be aware of, is that poker trends are changing – constantly. Aggressiveness is one of the biggest and most notable factors here, and if you compare the playing-style of today, to that of 15 years ago… well, poker is a completely different game.

When you sit down at the table, always try to spend some time analysing your opponents, so you have an idea of whether they’re ultra-aggressive, or under-aggressive. This will, of course, take some time to work out, but doing so will allow you to build a “profile” for each player, giving you vital information on their playing styles, which you can then go ahead and exploit for maximum profit.

Your mind set is also something which you MUST learn to control if you want to become a successful poker player, maximizing your earnings. There’s simply nothing worse than spending a 12-hour session grinding a cash table, and turning a nice profit, only to lose it all in one hand because you’re tilted, tired, or off your game.

There are many ways that you can learn to control your mind, and become a better poker player, and while this varies for all players, one of the best ways is to listen to calming, soothing music while you’re playing. This can help you control your mood – both when faced with difficult decisions, and when things aren’t’ going your way – and finding little things like these are crucial if you want to be able to manage your game.

It’s also wise to know when to walk away from the tables. If you’re on a continual losing streak, it may seem tempting to up the ante and try to win back your losses – but almost all of the time, you’re going to end up in a worse-off financial situation than before, and this is why it’s so important that you set yourself limits, and stick to them.

Thankfully, when you play poker online you can set deposit limits, and play limits, and we highly recommend you do this, as it can help you avoid siphoning off money when you’re tilting.


As you can see, becoming a professional poker player isn’t easy – and certainly nowhere near as easy as it’s made out to be by the masses.

Still, there’s no doubt about it; there IS a LOT of money to be made playing poker online, particularly with the U.S. players slowly integrating back into the scene – so if you want to make a living playing poker, then practice and learning is the best thing you can do.

Remember, it won’t happen overnight – but if you stick to the guidelines we’ve talked about, and work hard to improve your game, you’ll find yourself getting gradually more profitable over time, and before you know it, YOU could be on the all-time money list!

If you still have questions about how to make money at online poker, be sure to check out our other guides.


Whether your aim is to play full-time, or just as a side-line to top up your monthly wages, playing poker online is an excellent way to make money!

Although there are still many people out there who simply see it as another form of ‘gambling’, unlike other games poker actually rewards very well those who can master even just a few of its many skills.

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The trick is knowing where, when and which games to play – and this little guide will help start you on the road to poker riches!

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Can You Make Money Off Online Poker No Deposit

Where to play?

When I started out I simply jumped onto PokerStars, as they were, and still are, the biggest site on the net. However, they also have one of the strongest ‘player-pools’ – so it will pay off in the long-term to try out a few of the many other poker sites out there.

Playing on several different sites can actually increase your win-rate considerably – there are soft (easy) games to be had on every site, so don’t restrict yourself to just one based on their name or the fact they have fancy software!

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Best deals?

Naturally, if you can get money for free then you’d be silly not to take up the offer! All the biggest poker sites offer deals to newbies, and many will reward those who play a certain number of hands over a period of time.

Looking randomly at what’s on offer right now, for example, William Hill are giving you the chance to earn 35% rakeback (the site generally takes a cut of each hand played –that’s how they make their money, but hands back a percentage to loyal customers in various ways) and will match your initial deposit up to €1500!

These are the kind of deals which will add to your winnings over time, and there are dozens of extra bonuses available if you shop around! Go through some of the affiliate sites and you’ll get even sweeter deals, with chances to play in monthly ‘rake-races’ – some players make more money from these than they do in profit from the actual tables!

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The Best stakes to play at?

Of course, you have to set yourself a limit as to how much money you want to ‘invest’ in your poker. Playing at $10/$20 cash tables when you have $1000 to your name is an easy way to go broke! The players there are certainly pros, and you only have enough for half a buy-in – so set yourself realistic levels and goals, including your own standard of play. You can be relatively weak at poker an STILL make decent money from it.

For example, if you have $500 to start out with and you are a reasonable poker player, then choose a level where your $500 will allow you about 50 buy-ins. So, something like $0.05/0.10 cash games, or $5-10 tournaments would make sense.

I made the mistake of getting lucky in a few $109 Sit and Go’s a few years ago, ran it up to a few thousand bucks – but I still didn’t have enough at this level to ride out the downswing when it came! I just wasn’t bank-rolled for that level and those stakes, so be clever and stick to what you can afford initially!

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Can You Make Money Off Online Poker Games

Best games?

You might see that everyone plays No-Limit Hold’em – and it might well be your own favourite game – but is it your best game? If you can play other variants quite well, such as Pot Limit Omaha, Stud or Chinese poker for example, then you might find the games online easier to win, as they are often populated by players trying out new games without much of a clue even of the rules! Strange but true!

Many of you will have heard of ‘multi-tabling’, where you play several games at the same time – and this is often how players earn extra money; you can play many more hands per hour; it’s less likely that you’ll get bored waiting for decent hands; and if you play well you make more money.

However, don’t do this unless you’re comfortable with a lot of action going on and you can concentrate well. I personally stick to 2, or at most 4 tables. Any more and I can;’t keep track of who is doing what where – and that’s always a bad thing for your poker bank-roll!

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Managing your bankroll?

If you are serious about making money at poker, you need to keep a track of your wins and losses – and limit yourself to how much you can afford to lose when things are going not so well – because it will happen.

There is software available which can help you with this, but as we will see below be careful about paying for software as many sites are cracking down on just what is allowed in the way of help.

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Avoiding tilt!

One of the surest ways to blow your hard-earned poker winnings is to go on tilt. This is where you lose your senses after somebody has got very lucky against you, and you start making terrible plays just to try to win back ‘your’ money! Don’t fall into this trap – it’s the easiest way to go broke!

Instead, remember that poker is mostly about skill but with an element of luck involved. If you play well you’ll come out ahead eventually – and somebody who hits their ‘5-percenter’ against you is supposed to win 5% of the time!

Suck it up and move on – if you can get your money in the middle every time with a 95% chance of winning you’ll make a fortune over the course of a year!

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Software and Training Sites

Can You Make Money Off Online Poker Real Money

The best way to make more money at poker is to use every bit of help available – and there is masses of it online. However, many sites are cracking down on the use of software (designed to give you all the information on your opponents (and yourself!) you’d ever need to know) so check out what is and what isn’t allowed on the sites you choose to play on.

Training sites and poker forums are a great way to learn more about the game, and as the majority of them are free – and even give you excellent promotional deals just for ‘signing up’ to them, you’d be silly not to take advantage of them.

You can discuss hands, follow the latest poker news and usually find online leagues and ‘races’ which will help boost your bank balance as you play and learn.

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Playing poker online is a great little (or sometimes big!) earner so long as you stick to what you do best, play within your limits and generally take it fairly seriously.

Choose your games wisely, don’t be scared to shop around to find the best deals available, and take advantage of all the useful websites which will help you to become successful!