Texas Holdem Poker Rules And Hands

Posted : admin On 8/3/2022

Texas hold 'em (also known as hold'em or holdem) is another version of the standard card game of poker. A dealer shuffles the cards then deals 2 cards to each player and then five community cards are placed by the dealer—a series of three ('the flop') then two additional single cards ('the turn' and 'the river'). Players have the option to check, bet or fold after each deal, i.e. betting may occur prior to the flop, 'on the flop,' 'on the turn,' and 'on the river.'

  • It is very important to learn and understand the Texas Holdem poker rules first before playing the game. What is Texas Hold’em Poker? Texas Hold’em Poker is a card game that is played between 2-9 players using Ispit cards (No Jokers) and poker chips are used for bidding.
  • When playing Texas Holdem poker offline in private or social settings the role of the dealer is taken by one of the players and moves round the players after each hand in a clockwise direction.
  • When playing Texas Holdem poker, every player is dealt two cards face down – these are called your 'hole cards'. Then there is a round of betting where you can Check, Bet or Fold. This stage of the game is known as pre-flop and what you should do is dependent on those hole cards, or starting hand.

Texas hold 'em players compete either for an amount of money or chips contributed by the players themselves (this is called the pot). Because the cards are dealt randomly and outside the control of the players, each player attempts to control the amount of money in the pot based on the hand he or she is holding.

This hand matrix represents all of the possible starting hands in Texas Hold’em. The pocket pairs (22 through AA) bisect the matrix diagonally, and all suited hands are to the right of this line, while their offsuit counterparts are to the left. The hands in red represent the starting hand range you should play from UTG.

The game is made up of a series of hands or deals. At the conclusion of each hand, the pot is usually awarded to one player (although it can on occasions be split). A hand may end at the showdown, in which case the players that are still in play, compare their hands and the highest hand is naturally awarded the pot. Another possible outcome of a hand is when all but one player have folded and given up any claim to the pot, in which case the pot is awarded to the player who has not folded and is therefore still in play

When a Texas Hold'em Poker player wants to play poker, the general objective is not to win every individual hand, but rather to make mathematically and psychologically correct decisions regarding at what point and how much to bet, raise, call or fold. By skilfully making such decisions, successful Texas Hold'em Poker players maximize winnings in the long term.

For those unfamiliar with poker rules and the game of Poker, along with others who might want a refresher, this is the most basic of basic poker. The various games are based on this.

Poker is a game of five card hands dealt from a 52 card deck of standard playing cards. All poker hands consist of exactly five cards. Most games, like seven card stud for example, give the players more than five cards to select from, but the final winning result goes to the one with the best five card poker hand. In the popular stud poker games, the players are all dealt one card at a time or in small groups and they bet money each time they get more cards. They bet that they will end up with the best hand. The players that don't want to bet on their hands any longer can 'fold' their hands, get out of the contest and forfeit all the bets they have made to that point. At the end, the player with the best poker hand wins all the bets. In draw poker the players bet, then replace the cards they don't like with new ones from the dealer and then bet again.

The best hand is determined by the Poker Hand Ranking chart below.

Texas Holdem Poker Rules And Hands

Mobile Users - I've created a special chart in universal .pdf format for easy viewing on narrow screens. The original large chart is also available for downloading, viewing or printing.

Mobile - hand-rankings-mobile.pdf
Tablet / Desktop - hand-rankings.pdf

Rules for the More Popular Poker Games

Texas Hold'em Poker Rules And Hands


Texas Holdem Poker Rules And Hands

Basic Poker Resources

  • Poker Terms - Before sitting down at a poker table, new players should check out my glossary and get familiar with some of the poker lingo.

Can you name thesePoker Legends?

In 1978, Doyle Brunson, two time winner of the 'World Championship of Poker' at Binions Horseshoe in Las Vegas, published probably the best ever written book on casino level poker games. This 600 page, 3 lb. volume is more like an encyclopedia reference than a typical poker book. The work is packed with sound professional advice with volumes of stats for advanced players and was strangely named 'How I Made Over $1,000,000 Playing Poker'. In reprint, it is now named 'Super System'.

For this classic, Brunson enlisted the services of some of the best professional poker players in the world, all champions in their own right, to collaborate the authoring of the game sections of their particular specialties. The cartoon of this world class poker game is shown on the books inside front cover. Here are the players and their game contributions.

1. DOYLE BRUNSON - No Limit Hold'em 2. MIKE CARO - Draw Poker 3. JOEY HAWTHORN - Five and Seven Card Lowball 4. DAVID SKLANSKY - Seven Card Stud, High-Low Split 5. CHIP REESE - Seven Card Stud 6. BOBBY BALDWIN - Limit Hold'em